This year has been an extraordinary period of change for Claris. Not only did we adopt a new brand, we also established a new vision and roadmap for our platform that will define the future of workplace innovation for all of us. We often talk about rapid transformation, and it’s amazing and humbling to watch it happen in front of you. I say “humbling” because, in my new role, I’ve never been more aware that transformation is not a solitary pursuit. Real transformation requires buy-in across the organization, debate, and a willingness to embrace change. This is something you all understand and work through every day as problem solvers.
As we continue our own transformation to better serve our community of more than 50,000 customers and 1 million+ users, I want to make you aware of some changes coming to Claris in the near future.
All of these changes are centered on three key ideals: agility, simplicity, and a commitment to problem solving. All together, our goal is to let you focus on building your transformative apps and facilitating better outcomes for your businesses.
First, our support policies cover many versions and many operating systems. They were designed for a practice of annual releases, which no longer reflects the pace of digital transformation. As a result, these policies are slowing us down as we align our engineering efforts forward.
Even though we will be changing version support, our support for our developers will remain constant. We are all-in with you and we will continue to provide the high-quality support you’ve come to expect from our team. If you’re impacted and need to move to our latest version, please reach out to us here at support@claris.com and we will work with you every step of the way.
Second, at the next release, you will see our on-premise pricing change as well. The new pricing will be simpler which will make it easier for you to buy. You’ll hear more from us in advance.
Our products and services are changing and growing as well. As of October 29th, we have launched FileMaker Cloud for low-code app development. In January, we will launch Claris Connect for workflow automation. In May, we will launch the next major release of Claris FileMaker with lightweight web authoring. From there we will continue to release new features on a much more frequent cadence.
This is an exciting period of change for all of us but, again, we cannot effect change without each and every one of you. As a community, we work together to make powerful technologies available to everyone. We refuse to accept good enough and are always working to push our companies and industries forward. Now, we ask that you all join us and help us shape our own transformation as Claris, while we work together to fuel digital transformation in the world.
Brad Freitag
CEO – Claris International Inc.