A month ago, in my update about Claris Engage (formerly FileMaker DevCon), I said, “But we’re not giving up! There’s room for optimism.” And what a month we’ve all now experienced. To keep our customers, partners, and staff safe, we’ve decided to take the US version of Claris Engage virtual this year.
All content produced for our US audience will be available globally, and we’ll reevaluate the best course of action for conferences in Lisbon, Sydney, Beijing, and Tokyo as their dates approach.
While we’re saddened at the thought of not getting to spend time with you as we originally planned, we’re excited for the possibilities this new format brings.
What will a virtual Engage look like? You can look forward to technical sessions from the best minds in our community, exciting keynotes, the latest news about our product roadmap, and the opportunity to enjoy interactive virtual social sessions. We’re working out details, but I can promise you valuable opportunities to communicate, learn, and connect.
Virtualizing the conference is the right thing to do.
I look forward to sharing the new format with you soon.