Claris Partners-Connect distinguishes members of our business alliance with focus on supporting Claris Connect
Our partner ecosystem is among the best in the business, sharing expertise with our customers day in and day out. With the launch of Claris Connect, we are proud to have partners specifically focused on the success of this exciting new product.
The following partners have worked with Claris, providing critical insights and feedback in preparation for this release. As such, they are recognized as Claris Partners-Connect and are proven resources to provide support and guidance for Claris Connect.
Thank you to these partners for their continued commitment and valuable expertise. With their future focused leadership, we can all embrace digital transformation through integration and automation.
1-more-thing: https://www.1-more-thing.com/en/
24U s.r.o: https://www.24u.cz
Acolyte Applications, LLC: https://acolyteapplications.net
ACTIVE DEVELOPPEMENT: https://www.actived.fr/filemaker.html
Automation USA: https://www.automationusa.net
Bizmaker di Enrico Belli: https://www.bizmaker.eu/en/
ClickWorks: https://www.clickworks.eu/en/
DataClip bv: https://dataclip.nl
DataTherapy: https://www.datatherapy.com
DB Services: https://dbservices.com
Empowered Data Solutions: http://empoweredds.com
Geist Interactive: https://www.geistinteractive.com
Gleason Solutions, LLC: https://www.gleasonsolutions.com
Harmonic Data Associates, Inc: https://harmonic-data.com
HSE: http://h-s-e.com
iFresh Software: http://www.ifresh.nl
iSolutions, Inc.: https://isolutions-inc.com
Leo Di Croce, P.Eng.: http://leodicroce.com/custom-apps/
LuminFire: https://luminfire.com
MainSpring, Inc.: https://gomainspring.com
MeiSol AG: https://meisol.ch
Premium System AB: https://www.premium.se
Productive Computing, Inc.: https://www.productivecomputing.com
PRO-SOFT: http://www.pro-soft.fr
Ross Digital, LLC: http://www.rossdigital.com
Sinapsi@work: https://www.sviluppofmguru.it/sviluppatori-filemaker/
Skeleton Key: https://skeletonkey.com
Soliant Consulting: https://www.soliantconsulting.com
Sounds Essential LLC: https://www.soundsessential.com
Square Moon Industries: https://www.squaremoon.se
Tactic-TGI inc: http://tactic-tgi.com
The Moyer Group: https://moyergroup.com
Tim Anderson Group: https://www.timanderson.co.uk
We Know Data: https://www.weknowdata.net