Excitement is in the air at Claris! We are counting the minutes to the kickoff of Claris Engage Beyond and hope to see you there. Please register here if you haven’t signed up yet for the kickoff event!
Claris Engage Beyond is another first-time for us, the Claris Community, and the industry! Planning this unique series of events has been marked by true collaboration, both internally at Claris, and externally with our valued community members. Working with a diverse set of community representatives helps shape what you’ll experience through Claris Engage Beyond, with the intention to deliver the most relevant content and opportunities for connection throughout the upcoming months.
I would like to personally acknowledge and thank everyone on the Claris Engage Beyond advisory committee, which is a sub-committee of the Claris Partner Council (CPC). Our advisory committee includes:
- Kimberly Carlson, Direct Impact Solutions (co-chair)
- Britta Rock, Claris (co-chair)
- Mike Beargie, MainSpring
- Vanessa Costanzo, NaviCu
- Weihao Ding, Direct Impact Solutions
- Krissy Ferris, Proof+Geist
- Jeremy Rankin, Booz Allen Hamilton
- Chris Snipe, Chicago Public Schools
- Koen Van Hulle, Lesterius
- Kate Waldhauser, Portage Bay Solutions
This advisory group meets approximately every two weeks to provide feedback on our evolving sessions and event plans for Claris Engage Beyond. With a small, focused group of diverse voices, we hear an array of broad perspectives and have representation from throughout our vast ecosystem. Our intention is to listen to the committee’s input and make their collective suggestions actionable. Claris Engage Beyond’s schedule of events reflects the commitment and guidance of our advisory committee for which we are so grateful.
I’d like to encourage anyone to reach out to a committee member to share your thoughts and ideas regarding this year’s events, or feel free to post your suggestions in the Engage 2021 Ambassadors group.
Thanks so much for your input. Looking forward to a great kickoff and event series.